Food Packaging Material Disposal Matrix


In Store

Eating in the store or cafe

Out & About

Eating & drinking on the go or walking in a park or street

At Home

Eating at home, especially deliveries and takeaways

In The Office

Taken food back to work or had a takeaway at work

Bamboo General waste bin or compostable pactor  General waste bin or compostable bin General waste bin or compostable bin General waste bin or compostable bin
Birchwood General waste bin or compostable pactor General waste bin or compostable bin General waste bin or compostable bin General waste bin or compostable bin
Corrugated paper Paper recycling bin but ensure no grease stains General waste bin or find nearest paper recycling bank Paper or recycling bin but ensure no grease stains Paper or recycling bin but ensure no grease stains
Foil General waste bin General waste bin General waste bin General waste bin
Lined paper General waste bin General waste bin. Do not put in paper cup recycling bin General waste bin General waste bin
PE lined (paper cups) Paper cup recycling bin Paper cup recycling bin General waste bin General waste bin
PET Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of
PLA Compostable packaging bin Compostable packaging bin General waste bin General waste bin
PP Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposal Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposal Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposal Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposal
PS General waste bin General waste bin General waste bin General waste bin
Pulp paper Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin
Recycled paper Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste bin
RPET Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of Plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of Glass, metal or plastic recycling bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of
Sugarcane Bagasse  General waste bin or compostable pactor General waste bin or compostable bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of General waste bin or compostable bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of General waste bin or compostable bin. Rinse & wipe clean before disposing of
Unlined Paper Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste Paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bin, only if clean. Otherwise, general waste


  Bin Type
Material Paper Recycling Bin Plastic Recycling Bin Mixed Recycling Bin Paper Cup Recycling Bin Compostable Packaging General Waste
Bamboo X X X X X
Birchwood X X X X X
Corrugated paper X X
Foil X X X X X
Lined paper X X X X X
PE lined (paper cups) X X X   X
Pulp paper X X
Recycled paper   X X
Sugarcane Bagasse  X X X X
Unlined paper Green tick X X